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Discover healing through Rachel Stewart's transformative IFS therapy in Ontario. Embrace joy as depicted in this image of a smiling woman, adorned with a flower – a symbol of resilience and the power of somatic healing. Let Rachel guide you towards overcoming trauma and unlocking inner harmony.

Trauma-informed IFS therapy

Discover your own resilience, wisdom, and capacity to heal with the loving support of a skilled therapist. 

Experience transformative IFS therapy in Ontario with Rachel Stewart. Experience healing for all. Image depicts a black woman with a radiant smile, floral shirt and ripped jeans. Embrace somatic well-being and overcome trauma with Rachel's inclusive and empowering therapy services.

You want to feel
happy | Confident | At peace

Maybe it's time you did.

what We offer

Unlock healing and joy with Rachel Stewart's inclusive IFS therapy in Ontario. Image depicts an Asian woman smiling on the phone. Experience personalized and inclusive therapy for lasting positive change.

discovery call

No Commitment And Free Of Charge

Discover freedom through Rachel Stewart's inclusive IFS therapy in Ontario. Witness the empowering journey as a White woman looks away, her raised arm reflecting liberation from trauma. Embrace somatic healing for a transformative and inclusive therapy experience.

Individual Therapy

Build Resilience From The Inside, Out

Revitalize your relationship with laughter through Rachel Stewart's inclusive couples IFS therapy. Experience the healing embrace of somatic therapy in Toronto, Ontario, and Alberta. Rediscover joy together and overcome trauma with Rachel's expert guidance in inclusive couples therapy.

Couples Therapy

Feel Better Together

what we heal

Our expertise is in trauma and relationships, including the relationship we learn to develop with ourselves. 


Escape the shadows of trauma with Rachel Stewart's inclusive couples IFS therapy. Picture a transformative journey as depicted in a person gazing from a cave onto a bright landscape. Experience somatic healing in Toronto, Ontario, and Alberta with Rachel's expert guidance in inclusive couples therapy.


"That's in the past" they say.

But what happens when your past is playing out in your present? And threatening to destroy your future? What if there is life after trauma?

Discover healing and connection with Rachel Stewart's inclusive therapy services. Witness the transformative power of IFS therapy as two young white women embrace, laugh, and navigate trauma together. Experience somatic healing in Toronto, Ontario, and Alberta for a brighter, harmonious future.

Relationships with Others

"Relationships are hard" they say. But what if they don't have to be this hard? 

What if you could feel heard, safe, and seen in relationship?

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing with Rachel Stewart's inclusive therapy services. Explore the transformative potential of IFS therapy. Image depicts a young Black woman with a radiant smile, symbolizing self-compassion. Overcome trauma and embrace somatic healing in Toronto, Ontario, and Alberta as you nurture a deeper connection with yourself.

Relationship with Yourself

"Love yourself" they say.

But what if positive thinking feels like lying and only makes you feel worse?

What if, instead, you could start to see yourself in a different light?

Experience healing serenity with Rachel Stewart's inclusive therapy services. Let the tranquil mountain and lake landscape inspire your transformative journey through IFS therapy. Navigate trauma and embrace somatic healing in Toronto, Ontario, and Alberta, fostering inner peace and well-being.

Empowering you to be who you were always meant to be isn't just our job - it's our passion. 

what we can explore together

Trauma & complex PTSD


self-criticism & shame

Perfectionism & pleasing


Embark on a journey of healing with Rachel Stewart's inclusive therapy services. Capturing the essence of emotions, an Asian woman laughs and looks confused, illustrating the transformative power of IFS therapy to bring clarity. Navigate trauma and embrace somatic healing in Toronto, Ontario, and Alberta, fostering emotional well-being.

anxiety, panic & phobias 

sadness or depression

ways of coping that don't feel helpful

Identity & oppression 


Discover joy through Rachel Stewart's inclusive therapy services. A young woman laughing embodies the transformative essence of IFS therapy. Navigate trauma and embrace somatic healing in Toronto, Ontario, and Alberta for a happier, more resilient you.

All parts of you are welcome

We believe there are no "bad" parts of you.  Some parts of you hold pain and other parts of you have come up with clever strategies for surviving pain to keep you (more or less) functional in the world. Unlike some therapies you might have tried, we don’t try to change you or shame you into behaving  differently. Instead, we try to understand what's happening for you, heal the underlying pain, and figure out, together, what feels true you who you are inside. In our experience, when people are no longer in pain and feel more able to offer themselves unconditional love and acceptance, they feel safer, more grounded, and no longer feel the need to protect themselves in the same way.

What to Expect

We've had a call and decide we're a fit. YAY! So now what?

Embrace healing vistas with Rachel Stewart's inclusive therapy services. A young white woman gazes at mountains and a lake, symbolizing the transformative journey of IFS therapy. Navigate trauma and embrace somatic healing in Toronto, Ontario, and Alberta for holistic well-being.

1 / Book a Session

We know you're nervous. And this is honestly the hardest part. That's why we do our best to make sure the booking process is simple and convenient. Just email us!

2 / Explore and Gain Insight

Get to know yourself in a different way. Understand what's really driving your behaviour or mood. Get in touch with what you need to feel fulfilled, confident, and at ease.


We go at your pace. We will always ask you if it's okay to explore whatever comes up. And if you're not ready, we won't! Period.

3 / Experience Genuine Healing and Change

Although insight is important, you may have already noticed it isn't the same as healing, and often isn't enough on its own to result in meaningful change.


We want to help you fully heal the painful feelings and beliefs that are holding you back. Empower you to find more loving ways of responding to yourself (and others). To finally experience the calm confidence of being able to trust yourself to make choices that honour your needs and boundaries. 

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